Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trip to the "big" city, part one:

Took the Tahoe and trailer to the "big" city 45 miles north of us. This is an undertaking not taken lightly because the mileage on the Tahoe goes down to 13 mpg with the trailer behind it. This trip had two objectives. One was to dump off 5 years worth of pop cans at a big scrap metal dealer, as opposed to the small time guys in our community who don't pay very well. The other was to pick up pig feed direct from the feed mill.

The containers

All cans were smashed

Loaded in the trailer and ready to go!
I have always collected cans for recycling but this is the first time I have saved up this many. Two of these bins were left by the previous owner. We don't use curbside recycling because we just take our things to the recycle center at our local dump. The third container I got from parents. A wheel fell off and when the trash company dropped off a new can they didn't take the old one. I gladly brought it home, much to my wife's chagrin. Several years ago I geeked out on figuring out how many gallons these three containers held and then figured out an average per gallon weight of pop cans (don't ask me what it was, I have forgotten) so I could estimate how many pounds these three containers would be if filled. I estimated 100 pounds.

And the actual grand total? 106 pounds! They paid 54 cents per pound for a nice cash pay out of $57.24. Also happy to get them out of my life!

90 miles round trip. 13 miles per gallon. 6.92 gallons of gas. Filled up at Costco for $3.50/gallon. $24.22. Net profit of $33.02 (31 cents per pound) That sounds like terrible economics! That's why I had to double up with hauling the trailer for a second objective.